Below are details about my book editing services and ballpark rates for each. I specialize in editing teen/YA fiction, literary fiction, LGBTQIA+ fiction, and memoirs, though I’m open to (and have experience with) other genres and market segments. I review works in American English and Canadian English, generally using the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition.
The rates below are rough estimates per a word count of 80,000. If your text is longer or shorter, the rate will adjust accordingly. If a text is at a very early stage of development and needs extensive work, the rate might be higher; if it’s at a more polished stage, the rate can run lower.
Jump to: Editorial Assessment | Developmental Editing | Line Editing and Copy Editing | Proofreading | Quick Check
Editorial Assessment
General rate: $0.03 per word, so about $2,400 for an 80,000-word book
This service reviews a book's big-picture elements as outlined below. Good times to seek an editorial assessment:
You need a clear view of the big picture and an evaluation of whether your premise is solid and your execution is efficient and effective.
You’re on a second or third draft and have found yourself stuck.
You think you’re ready to submit to agents or editors, but you’d like the security of a professional editor’s review before you take the leap.
Here’s what you’ll get for your money:
A read-through of the full manuscript with attention paid to big-picture elements, including premise, plot, setting, character development, pacing, conflict/tension development, structure, world-building, and voice
An analysis of your use of language, including elements like prepositional phrases, adverbs, sentence length, passive vs. active verb phrasing, and more, along with suggestions for ways you can tighten and clarify
A flagging of potentially problematic/offensive content (Please note: This is different from a full sensitivity read/authenticity read; this point is just to say that if I notice something that might be unintentionally offensive to any marginalized group I’m aware of, I’ll make a note of it.)
An interpretation of your theme based on the big-picture elements noted in the first point, and an assessment of how well those elements work cohesively to imply that theme
A six- to eight-page edit letter that summarizes the book’s strengths and weaknesses in the above areas and offers suggestions for ways you can tighten and improve it
An editorial assessment does not include in-line comments. It does include a round of project communication post-analysis. After I send your edit letter, you’re welcome to ask questions and bounce revision ideas off me. I’ll respond to these, and then we’ll figure out the best next step toward reaching your publishing goals.
If you’re at a very early stage in drafting your book, an editorial assessment can sometimes result in a complete rewrite. If you’re at a later, more polished stage, it can help fine-tune the elements that aren’t yet in harmony so they work in concert with those that are already humming along beautifully.
Developmental Editing
General rate: $0.04 per word, so about $3,200 for an 80,000-word book
This also reviews big-picture elements, but is a more thorough edit that includes in-line comments with specific suggestions for each improvement opportunity. ​A developmental edit includes:
A read-through of the full manuscript with attention paid to big-picture elements, including premise, plot, setting, character development, pacing, conflict/tension development, structure, world-building, and voice
An analysis of your use of language, including elements like prepositional phrases, adverbs, sentence length, passive vs. active verb phrasing, and more, along with suggestions for ways you can tighten and clarify
A flagging of potentially problematic/offensive content (Please note: This is different from a full sensitivity read/authenticity read; this is just to say that if I notice something that might be unintentionally offensive to any marginalized group I’m aware of, I’ll make a note of it.)
An interpretation of your theme based on the big-picture elements noted in the first point, and an assessment of how well those elements work cohesively to imply that theme
In-line notes about consistency, smaller-scale questions, wording suggestions, and reactions to the writing
Fact checking
A ten- to twelve-page single-spaced edit letter that:
Assesses the big-picture elements noted above
Summarizes the book’s major and minor strengths and weaknesses and suggests ways you can improve it
Discusses any grammar/usage issues that repeat throughout the manuscript
Offers suggestions for specific resources that will help you make your work the best it can be
Once I've sent you my edit letter and the annotated manuscript, you're welcome to reach out with questions and/or ideas for revision; this feedback is included in the price.
Line Editing
General rate: $0.04 per word, so about $3,200 for an 80,000-word book
Line editing exists between developmental editing and copy editing. Not all work needs to be line edited, but it can be helpful if you're a first-time author and it's been a while since those fourth-grade lessons on diagraming sentences. It's especially useful if you're struggling to reduce your word count; often, line editing trims a substantial number of words, which improves the flow and readability of the entire work. Line editing requires the book be sent to me as a Microsoft Word document; it will be returned to you with my changes tracked. This edit:
Considers word choice and suggests stronger synonyms where necessary
Trims and tightens sentences, paragraphs, and scenes by removing words and phrases that add clutter instead of enhancing meaning or clarifying points
Reviews flow and syntax, ensuring sentence structure varies and punchlines/emphasis lines are presented as effectively as possible
Reviews sentences and paragraphs for clarity, conciseness, and consistency while ensuring the author’s tone and voice remain intact
Corrects redundancy, passive phrasing, and repeated beats
Reviews for unintentionally offensive or stereotyping language or plot points
Copy Editing
General rate: $0.03 per word, so about $2,400 for an 80,000-word book
Copy editing and proofreading are frequently confused. Often, when someone says they need their work proofread, they really need a copy editor. Copy editing requires the book be sent to me as a Microsoft Word document; it will be returned to you with my changes tracked. Copy editing:
Reviews each word and checks spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style
Reviews sentences for clarity and consistency while ensuring the author’s tone remains intact
Corrects logic flaws and redundancies
Checks facts (e.g., dates, proper nouns, historical events, procedures, etc.)
Tracks plot, setting, story timeline, and character traits across the work to ensure consistency
Reviews for unintentionally offensive or stereotyping language​
Along with your edited manuscript, I'll create and send along a style sheet that lists all authorial determinations that must be consistent across the manuscript. This is especially useful if you're writing a series, as it can become challenging to keep track of every small detail through multiple books. ​
Line Editing + Copy Editing
General rate: $0.045 per word, so about $3,600 for an 80,000-word book
I can perform line editing and copy editing simultaneously. This type of edit takes a fair amount of time, hence the higher price tag, but it will save you money if you plan to do both a line edit and a copy edit on your book.
General rate: $0.025 per word, so about $2,000 for an 80,000-word book
Proofreading is the final check before publication; it assumes the work has already gone through a comprehensive copy edit. The work is laid out in its final form (page proofs or electronic proofs).
Checks spelling, punctuation, and typographical errors, but does not address content issues or writing style
Reviews all design elements, including:
Spacing of lines, paragraphs, and margins
Widows, orphans, word breaks, and line breaks
Consistent placement and centering of tables/charts/artwork
Page numbers versus table of contents and index​
Quick Check
Ballpark rate: $1,500 / 80,000 words
This is a quick review that catches most problems that could make you look bad, but won’t catch every single issue. This type of review is useful in several scenarios.
You’re a first-time author seeking an agent or publisher and want to make sure your work is disaster-free prior to querying.
You’re a small press with a limited budget.
Your timeline got too crunched to allow for a comprehensive edit.
This check provides:
A two-page snapshot of the big-picture elements, such as plot, setting, character development, pacing, conflict/tension development, structure, world-building, and voice
An in-line scan for:
Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors
Verb tense consistency
Spacing and basic formatting
This check does not:
Proofread every letter, check facts and proper nouns, or fix mildly awkward sentences
Track all details for consistency (though if I spot an inconsistency, I’ll note it)
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